
Getting Started

Prerequisites Follow the instructions in the Jekyll Docs to complete the installation of Ruby, RubyGems, Jekyll, and Bundler. In addition, Git is also required to be installed. Installation Crea...

DSA Patterns

With a good amount of practice of known questions, some very hard unknown DSA questions can be solved. There are well known patterns of questions and most of the questions that are asked in intervi...

Introduction to C# (For DSA)

Introduction C# is an Object Oriented Programming language and it has many similarities to Java, C++ and VB. In fact, C# combines the power and efficiency of C++, the simple and clean object orien...

Youtube videos from Algorithms by Sedgewick

Youtube videos from Algorithms by Sedgewick Modal title × Save changes Close ...

C# for solving DSA questions

Introduction to C# C# is an object oriented programming language developed by Microsoft. The syntex of this language is similar to C, C++ and Java. C# can be used to develope applications for wind...

Sliding Window Patterns

Sliding Window pattern in DSA questions 1. Maximum Sum Subarray of Size K (easy) Questions Details Given an array of positive numbers and a positive number ‘k’, find the maximum sum of any cont...

Introduction to DSA

Data Structure When we write a software, we use data and some operation on those data. To effeciently stot]

Enable Google Page Views

This post is to enable Page Views on the Chirpy theme based blog that you just built. This requires technical knowledge and it’s recommended to keep the google_analytics.pv.* empty unless you have ...

Customize the Favicon

The favicons of Chirpy are placed in the directory assets/img/favicons/. You may want to replace them with your own. The following sections will guide you to create and replace the default favicons...

Writing a New Post

This post will guide you how to write a post on Chirpy theme. Even if you have previous experience with Jekyll, this article is worth reading, because many features require specific variables to be...